You know, when I was a kid I used to carry a notebook along with me, it was my journal. I used to write about my day, my vacation, my friends. I also held little secrets like which girl catch my eyes on that week. The journal was more of a day-to-day account of activities. It was not a revelation of anything deeply personal. In fact, it was a writing in bits and pieces. My life was not interesting enough to write about it every day and consequently soon my loves for writing journal end.
After long time when I one day again picked up my pen for writing my thoughts as an adult I found the healing powers of writing. I realized journaling as one of the most freeing experience in life. I can actually slow my thoughts during writing and think through about what is happening around me. Soul Writing is what I would call it, writing our personal stories on paper. I found amazing benefits of writing my heart out. Here are 5 ways journaling has helps, heals me every-time.
1. How I feel inside?
In general our thoughts are clouded, feelings are overlapped. When we sit down for writing we think deeper, the thoughts became much more clearer. We can have a deeper and realistic view of what we are actually feeling.
2. Life is much more interesting than I thought
We forgets in general, that is the way of life. But some experience are worth keeping in memory. The happy moments resonate the positive vibe necessary for life. I write for every single day continuously for sometime about 3 positive things I did on the day. Then after few weeks I look back, I discover that life is truly worth living.
3. Who am I?
Before I was writing for myself every single day, I had a vague idea about what I like and dislike, where I want to go in life, my goals. But as started writing my soul out, I feel things are changing. Actually my thought of "who I am" was actually what I should be; not actually what I was! In writing I uncover my dreams, relive imagination to be my self. The experience was overwhelming. I set new boundaries. Journaling can help you as well in knowing your new self.
4. The peace within
As I started writing about my feelings, I gain ability to process those feeling with much control. I can put them on paper and get them out of my heart. Specially for feeling like anger, jealousy, resentment when I am able to process them as a third person, I can channel them out more easily. This helps in staying balanced in life with always the peace within.
5. Perception
Another thing journaling helped me immensely is about understanding other peoples point of view. Writing a journal help us processing our thoughts more clearly. We can slow down, take time and imagine to get into others shoe. Its actually always tough to know what exactly others are thinking but with writing our thoughts in black and white we can spend some time to analyze their stand. This actually help us with informed sense of other people's point of view.
Soul writing is a great way to build serenity for ourselves and journal is a great tool for that matter. Even soul writing on a napkin can have a similar effect for the moment, gives you a peace of mind. A journal on the other side can help you keep your state of mind clearer for longer. Because we stir our thoughts in one place everyday, the journal eventually becomes a part of our life. Happy writing!