Friday, January 19, 2018

My first Halloween in United States

Halloween is one of those festivals that we do not celebrate in India at all. Since the time I came to know that I will be in U.S. this year during Halloween, I was super excited about it. In the world could be the best place to celebrate Halloween other than United States!
I visited Princeton, NJ last October to have an onsite business strategy discussion with one of our Costume retailer client. It was even more exciting to experience the crazy celebration from inside of the industry.
We had several strategic sessions on discussing latest movie releases, evergreen themes, last year's top seller. We were predicting people's purchases intent for the upcoming Halloween and strategizing our ecommerce costume retail business to win it.
On the personal side, I had to buy a super cool costume for the celebration. I felt like a little child about to experience his first ever Halloween. Soon my US colleagues and friends started discussing Halloween parties and costumes. Neighborhood door fronts were being decorated with carved pumpkins. Stores windows started displaying Halloween decorations. We bought some spooky cutouts and artificial spider's web and decorated our office.
I started my search for a perfect costume. In US, people dress up as everything and anything, from scary devil to superheroes, or funny giant burgers. I consulted with my costumes retailer client. Among the endless options that was offered to me, I decided to dress up as the person I wanted to be from my childhood.. an airlines captain. I placed the order online at a 'special' discount that was offered by our client.
The day has arrived!
I dressed up as 'airlines captain', feeling bit uncomfortable to walk in public in my costume. The moment I stepped outside, I realized and felt relieved seeing all costumed people roaming, driving very casually on the road.

We had a Halloween celebration and potluck lunch planned in our US office for the day. I entered the office that day accompanied by two of my dearest colleagues.. a NYPD cop and Batman. My eyes was not believing what I was seeing. It was crazy. My colleagues were already, truly into the characters.. we were greeted by Roman soldier, deer, duck, giant beer and many more. Our NYPD cop meanwhile was having a friendly chitchat with our Pirate friend.. this was hilarious.
The potluck lunch was equally thrilling. We have our colleagues from different countries.. the lunch table was reflecting the origin. It was an explosion of tastes, and flavors. I brought some Uthhapam.
In the evening neighbors children flooding the street knocking the house's doors in their cute costume for a trick or a treat.
Overall 2017 Halloween was an exciting, wonderful experience of following the yearly tradition.