Now that we have fresh 364 days in stock, I thought to make some new year resolutions. Let us list down my aspirations from the year 2018.
Resolution-1: Writing a blog post every day. Ever since I learned about blogging, I thought of writing one of mine. I started several times in past years but it was hard to continue. Before I take it as a new year resolutions once again, I had to identify what stopping me from writing. I spent most of my time in 2017 honoring family commitments, staying late at work, and browsing social media.
So here come two more resolutions to remain true to my resolution-1. My office hours are usually long, at a mid-senior management position there are several responsibilities and ownership that demand extra time commitments. The work however satisfying, but ate up my family time. The family commitments understandably then ate my personal time. Resolution-2: Finish work and leave office on time, and do not carry the baggage home.
Social media did not consume much of my time, primarily because I didn't had much 'free' time in 2017. However, social media and all associated mobile notifications are distracting. I am guilty of checking Facebook, Whatsapp in the middle of work, triggered from mobile notifications. Social media are like drugs. Resolution-3: Limit social media screen time and disable app notifications.
Now that I hope to save some time this year. I hope to revive an old 'good' habit - reading books. It was painful when I received my goodreads year end notification that I did not read a single book in the year 2017. So here come Resolution-4: Read at least a few pages of a book everyday at bedtime. Some goal should be quantifiable. I pledged to read 12 by the end of the year 2018. Here is my goodreads reading challenge log.
Other smaller resolutions that I inherited from 2017 are waking up early, morning meditation, stretch yoga, and sleep for at least 7 hours.
This New Year I strive to be a better Me. What goals are you setting this year?